Message from the Head Director

Healthcare Corporation Kouzenkai
Social Welfare Corporation Koyokai
Head Director
Takayoshi Yagi
The Kouzenkai Group aims to provide “Total Care” that responds to various health needs from acute care to convalescence at home, nursing care, and welfare. Rather than aiming at becoming a specialist who repeats research or studying in a university hospital as a surgeon or neurosurgeon, my personal goals are to help people. I have always known that I am more inclined toward helping people who are suffering. As a first step toward this goal, I founded the Yagi Surgial Hospital in Suminoe Ward, Osaka in 1988. Three years later in 1991, I founded the general emergency Kouzenkai Hospital.
Medicine is steadily advancing; machines that accomplish what skilled physicians take a lot of time for in a matter of a brief moment are being developed as well. As I actively try to introduce such excellent machines to provide care, I advanced one step further and built a hospital that functions as a stroke trauma center centered on neurosurgery and plastic in Higashinari Ward to provide ”medical care to save lives with certainty on the spot” in 2008. I am determined to contribute to acute medical care in Osaka City and the eastern part of Osaka through my work at this hospital.
I also wish to make more efforts in playing my part in community medicine and care through facilities and hospitals in Ikuno, Suminoe, and Sumiyoshi Wards.
I believe that it would be wonderful if we can further expand medicine with continuity from emergency care to elderly care and home medical care and broaden opportunities for interaction and communication through medicine and welfare.
Medical Corporation Kouzenkai Group focuses primarily on acute care while also working to meet the healthcare needs of local people with preventative care, rehabilitation, nursing, and home care.
We are also committed to providing what we call “total care” healthcare, nursing, and care services.
We also believe that, as an organization that deals with patients directly, our employees’ work environment and motivation is also important, and we have put in place a system that allows us and our team of medical staff to learn from each other and continue to grow.
Medical Corporation Kouzenkai Group and our employees will continue striving to fulfill our role as a medical institution providing services that local people can depend on.
Kouzenkai Group Philosophy
Our mission is to fulfill our social responsibility by contributing to the local community through health and welfare services.
Group Mission
We hope to be our patients’ first choice as an organization of individuals actively contributing to society.
We will always respect our staff and their families, dedicate ourselves to self-development, dutifully carry out our work duties every day, and contribute to the local community through care.
Our business in Osaka
International Business Department of Kouzenkai
With our solid experience and knowledge from a diverse group of specialists working in Kouzenkai medical and nursing care facilities, we provides support to companies that are interested in building elderly care facilities abroad. Our support includes but not limited to, facility concept development, architectural advise, program development, staff training (including potential staff exchange program with our facilities in Japan). As of October 2014, Kouzenkai has began providing consulting to a major company in Shanghai who is developing a geriatric day care facility.
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